Divorce can be a confusing and expensive process. As you begin your divorce, you may wonder if you can represent yourself instead of hiring an attorney. In Connecticut, you're allowed to represent yourself in all court cases, including divorce cases. The state even...
Connecticut Family
Law Attorneys
How does divorce mediation work?
Getting a divorce is not an easy process. Fighting your way through a contested divorce and the challenges of resolving property division, custody arrangements, and child support and alimony can cost time, money, and energy that you may not have to give up. Through...
What does “no-fault divorce” mean?
For many individuals, their ideas about divorce are influenced by what they have seen and heard through popular media sources such as movies, books and television shows. For these couples, divorce becomes a product of fault. In general, one of the parties did...
Three Signs Divorce Mediation Is Not For You
The process of mediating a divorce can be a great alternative to traditional divorce litigation. For many, a private process that allows them to work through complex financial and child custody issues can be appealing. For others, the financial benefit of mediation...
Discovery & Admissibility of Facebook & Other Social Media Data
As individuals are posting more and more of their personal day-to-day thoughts, whereabouts, and photographs on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, it should come as no surprise that lawyers are turning to the internet to mine this data to assist...
Divorce in Connecticut: The Case Management Date
If you are in the process of filing, or have just been served with a divorce complaint in Connecticut, you may find yourself inundated with documents which contain language that might as well be written in a foreign language. However, it is important that all...
Connecticut Uncontested Divorce Documents Checklist
In Connecticut, once you and your spouse have reached an agreement that provides for the allocation of your assets, distribution of your debts, and for the custody and support of your child(ren), you may request that the court schedule an uncontested divorce trial. If...