When a married couple decide to go their separate ways, that decision can throw their finances, their home life and their plans for the future into disarray. For many fathers, this time of uncertainty includes worries about maintaining their relationship with their child. Will the court favor their child’s mother when determining child custody? Will they lose contact with their child? How can they remain a meaningful part of their child’s life?
Do Connecticut courts favor mothers when determining custody arrangements?
While some people may have a bias toward mothers, state law does not reflect that stereotype. Connecticut law presumes that parents sharing legal custody and maintaining contact with their child is in that child’s best interest unless a parent proves otherwise. As a result, the law does not favor one parent over the other when making custody decisions.
Thankfully, statistics about parenting time in the state reflect this presumption. One study conducted by Custody X Change in 2018 indicates that, on average, parents sharing custody in Connecticut have equal parenting time.
Will you receive equal parenting time?
While fathers in the state of Connecticut receive an average of 50% parenting time, that does not necessarily mean that every father has equal time with their child. The court might favor a different arrangement if it is the best way to support a child’s needs.
For example, a child’s educational needs might be best served by spending more time with one parent during the school year. As another example, while parents might share legal custody and share important decisions about their child’s health and education, they might not share physical custody. The court might even grant fathers a greater share of parenting time if that provides the right support for their child.
While many fathers have concerns about protecting their relationship with their child during divorce, they are not necessarily at a disadvantage. Carefully considering your options and building a legal strategy based on what you value most can help you protect your parental rights and provide your child with the support they need.