Many men worry about divorce because they have heard horror stories from other fathers. They might believe that they could be at risk of losing custody if they leave their marriage. Stories about loving and involved fathers denied access to their children are quite common.
Those stories may prevent fathers from pursuing a divorce when they are unhappy in their marriages. Stories about unfair custody outcomes can also deter fathers from fighting for custody, regardless of who files the initial paperwork. They may simply agree to whatever the mother of their children demands because they think they have no other option.
Is it true that family law judges in Connecticut give mothers preferential treatment during custody hearings?
Sex does not influence parental rights
Contrary to the stories that people love to share, a parent’s sex does not have any bearing on custody matters. The law in Connecticut is quite clear. State statutes impose an obligation on judges to reach custody determinations that are in the best interests of the children. There is a presumption that shared custody is the best arrangement unless there are unusual circumstances.
That means that fathers generally have a right to play an active role in raising their children. Shared custody does not always mean a 50/50 split of parenting time. Judges look at many family factors when deciding how to allocate parenting time. The role each parent has played in the lives of the children and their ability to provide a stable home environment are key considerations.
So long as a father has been an active parent previously and is capable of meeting his children’s needs, he should not have to worry about a judge unfairly prioritizing the mother’s rights over his. Generally speaking, judges are happy to see fathers who want as much parenting time as possible and may grant them a reasonable amount of overnight parenting time in a contested custody scenario.
Learning more about the statutes in Connecticut can help fathers feel confident about pursuing shared custody. A judge should not allow personal bias to influence decisions but instead should focus on what is best for the children. Maintaining a healthy relationship with a father is almost always what is best for a child whose parents divorce. Fathers who know their rights can seek custody terms that are truly in a child’s best interests.