Every divorce is different. People in a variety of situations have unique issues that arise when they decide to end a marriage. Some types of divorce are both different enough from the standard marital dissolution process and common enough that they have acquired...
Connecticut Family
Law Attorneys
Grounds for divorce in Connecticut
Understanding the legal grounds for divorce is important for anyone considering this major life transition in Connecticut. The state allows for both fault and no-fault divorces, providing flexibility in how parties can approach the dissolution of their unions. What...
Are retirement accounts separate property during divorce?
Property division matters are often a major stressor related to divorce filings. People may worry about the need to equitably divide their resources with a spouse. No one wants to lose the home equity that they have spent years building or half of their investment...
Do you have to sell your business if you get divorced?
In many cases, family businesses are run by spouses. They may have decided to start a company before, as business partners, and later fallen in love and gotten married. Or they may have gotten married first and then decided to go into business together so that they...
How do people hide assets before or while divorcing?
You likely know already that you shouldn’t hide assets during a divorce. It could constitute fraud. If the court discovers that you’ve hidden assets and lied about what you own, it’s not going to help your position at all. You are supposed to make full disclosure to...
3 ways that a Connecticut divorce can alter retirement plans
Many married couples in Connecticut start saving together to fund a comfortable retirement. They may talk about downsizing to a different house or plan specific vacations for after they retire. Yet, dreams of shared adventures may not seem so appealing if the...
Why the state’s definition of alimony matters
In a general sense, alimony serves as support paid to a former spouse after a divorce. The support usually runs for set amount of time, perhaps allowing that person to get back into the workforce. For example, say that a couple decides to have children. They are both...
Gray divorce is on the rise
A gray divorce is a divorce case between two spouses who are at least 50 years old. When you look at the statistics, there’s no doubt about it: This type of divorce is becoming more common. The divorce rate for people in this age group has been going up in recent...
Feeling this way about your spouse could mean divorce within 7 years
Nothing can predict the future with 100 percent accuracy. If your relationship with your spouse is strong and loving today, it probably still will be years from now. But plenty of divorced people in Norwalk thought their marriages would last too. Meanwhile, a lot of...
How is child support calculated in Connecticut?
The divorce process is challenging for the family on every front, especially when making decisions about child custody and determining who will pay child support and how much. Parents often wonder how the divorce will impact them financially and whether they can make...