Divorce statutes and judicial precedents for family law issues are different in every state. In Connecticut, state law determines how parents share their parental rights and responsibilities. State statutes govern the division of overall parenting time and financial...
Connecticut Family
Law Attorneys
Year: 2024
What are the different kinds of custody in Connecticut?
When parents divorce or separate, they have to discuss custody matters so that they can properly meet the needs of their children. It is common for parents to worry about custody, especially because they don't want to lose time with their children. Those preparing for...
Do Connecticut judges favor mothers in custody hearings?
Many men worry about divorce because they have heard horror stories from other fathers. They might believe that they could be at risk of losing custody if they leave their marriage. Stories about loving and involved fathers denied access to their children are quite...
What is a gray divorce?
Every divorce is different. People in a variety of situations have unique issues that arise when they decide to end a marriage. Some types of divorce are both different enough from the standard marital dissolution process and common enough that they have acquired...
Tips for co-parenting peacefully
Ending a marriage is a complex undertaking, often especially when there are children involved. As such, it can be difficult to learn how to separate the emotions that come with the process while dealing with your ex when it comes to your kids. In many cases, including...
Grounds for divorce in Connecticut
Understanding the legal grounds for divorce is important for anyone considering this major life transition in Connecticut. The state allows for both fault and no-fault divorces, providing flexibility in how parties can approach the dissolution of their unions. What...
Are you or your co-parent “parentifying” your child?
One all-too-common problem when parents divorce is that they turn to an older child or teen for emotional support. They may not realize they’re doing it. However, if a parent considers their child their “best friend,” they may share details about what went wrong in...
Tips to help fathers remain engaged with their children
For fathers in Connecticut facing the complexities of life after divorce, the act of maintaining an active and involved relationship with their children can seem daunting. Despite these changes, fathers should remain a constant source of support, love and stability...
Can a parent avoid paying child support?
Child support is a legal obligation imposed on parents to ensure that they provide financial support in service of their children's upbringing. Once a child support order is handed down by a state court, those who are obligated to make payments accordingly are...
Are retirement accounts separate property during divorce?
Property division matters are often a major stressor related to divorce filings. People may worry about the need to equitably divide their resources with a spouse. No one wants to lose the home equity that they have spent years building or half of their investment...